Established in 1916, the Vasudev Sansthan is the oldest Sansthan in Jaunpur (u.p.). Organized in several Faculties, Courses, Centers, Colleges and several other units, the Sansthan conducts teaching in many areas of human concern, also including courses relevant to today’s fast changing scenario in the realm of knowledge. As a premier institution of higher learning the Vasudev Sansthan is committed to academic excellence. With its Motto ‘उत्तिष्ठत जाग्रत प्राप्य वरान्निवोधत ’ Uttitishthat Jagrat Prapya Varannibhodhat.’ , the Sansthan is making rapid strides to meet the challenges of higher education in modern times.
This website has been designed to provide information about academic, and activities of our Sansthan. It also provides links to various other works/function/activities of the university. I hope you will find the information available on this website useful.